The Boat
Building the boat

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The building site

It's not  easy to find a suitable site for building the boat. The rent to be paid seems to be as high as for a normal flat. Some farmer offer barns of 200qm and expect 600 Euro. At the beginning of my search I find suitable building sites only far away from my city. But driving car only for reasons of his hobby is not reasonable for a sailer who loves nature! So I continue with my search and  in the end I find a huge barn not very expensive which I can go to riding  bycicle. 

How to buy high-quality wood

Buying high-quality wood is not easy too. Even if you have managed  a lot of projects with wood you'll appreciate good pieces of advice.
I decided to call the local merchant by phone and to explain my wishes. I emphasised that the price is not that important an that wanted to get the highest quality! That's absolutely reasonable if you take into account that bad quality means a lot of work, ditching a huge amount of wood due to cracks or knotholes. All about the wood is not the most expensive resource - it is your time! In my case I made a date with the chief purchaser of the merchant. He explained me quality and origin of different trunks of oak, so I was well sustained to decide which trunk I wanted to buy: I decided for a good aok from Alsace and some planks of larch.
If you have problems in finding good wood in your town I would not hesitate to order the wood from places somewhere else. High quality is very important, and  freight charges are normally not very high.

The wood is brought to the dockyard by truck

First Steps

With a big circular saw the huge planks a cutted. Than they can be put on the circular saw bench to be cut more preciesly.
The planing machine is used to plane the planks very precisely.

Veneers of Larch

For the skin of the hull I use larch veneers of 2,0mm and 2,5mm - five layers for the skin, four layers for interior parts.

More than 230qm veneers of larch.